SSI Diving Instructor? Better CV!

How work as scuba instructor increases your career possibility

What are the important details in a CV ?

Adventure and fun for an SSI Instructor

Seeking a job is not easy nowadays, especially if you’re looking for dynamic and stimulant positions .
More and more often it is crucial to have in the curriculum competences that a school cannot deliver

These are :

-Language skills

-Ability to work in a multicultural environment

-Flexibility and adaptability

Working in the diving industry for many years I noticed that these skills are more frequent in Diving Instructor that has taken a period of some years traveling the world and working as dive professionals. Having continually contact with guest coming from all around the word they developed important skills that can be really searched in some job position. They know what means be flexible and they are use to complete re-scheduling of the planned activities due to the meteorological changes and logistical factors.
A great experience for a couriers fellow

Who is not dreaming to live in a paradise doing the best job ever ?
You’ll be in contact with happy guest in a relax moment which isn’t the case if you are working in a “normal” place. They admire you and they will follow any your suggestion. After the first dive you’ll see in they eyes a new light and they will most probably admit that was one of the most incredible experience they had in their life.

a great way to meet new friends instructors!

Job placement
Is easy to find a job as dive instructor with an international recognize certification

Work all over
The request of international recognize scuba instructor is huge. SSI (Scuba School International) is the best qualification to get easily a job in t the tropical area all over the world

flying in the blue..

Job placement service
As SSI instructor you have access to a job placement service which gives you the possibility to choose between the most incredible diving spots in the world. It’s easy! Just log in the web page and hit the job placement service and choose the location you are more interested in.
You will have the possibility to live the greatest experience of your life in amazing places like Polynesia , Caribbean or Red Sea and all getting paid!
Do you have a better solution to pick up another language?

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